Conservation for Kids: Learn to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
by 特雷Edgington
by 瓦莱丽·柯克
4分钟阅读Online schools like 推荐正规买球平台® offer an accredited curriculum that includes core subjects and a wide variety of electives, giving students the opportunity to learn about the world around them, 发掘他们的兴趣, 每天尝试新事物. But while specially trained online schoolteachers know how to inspire online students in discussions during synchronous classes and one-on-one learning sessions, 许多 学习教练 may be wondering how to inspire their student in their 家庭课堂环境 throughout the school year.
With our years of working with K–12 online school students and 保持他们的积极性 我们已经看到了一些最有效的方法. Here are seven ways to inspire online school students at home. Hint: these tips are also great for inspiring students learning at traditional brick-and-mortar schools!
Even though every day is a little different in online school, students spend on average 4–6 hours each school day completing lessons and attending virtual classes. 这对他们很重要 有一个学习的空间 这不仅舒服,而且鼓舞人心, 帮助他们保持专注, is appropriate for 许多 types of learning activities, and is uniquely theirs. Empower your student to help create and arrange their learning space. Take them shopping for a desk, chair, and school supplies. Ask them what they feel would keep them inspired in their learning space. 使 家庭课堂环境 something that they feel is truly theirs will inspire online school students and help keep them motivated to learn.
另一种激励在线学校学生的方法, 培养仁慈 还有正念,还有 鼓励积极的态度 is to incorporate inspirational quotes and artwork in their learning space. 你是否选择突出历史人物, 运动员, 发明家, 科学家们, 或者作者由你决定! 你知道什么最能激励你的学生. Let them help pick the quotes and artwork that have special meaning for them.
When setting up your home classroom, look for a space that has natural light. Sunlight triggers cortisol levels to rise and affects a student’s general emotional and physical well-being, which can positively influence their ability to learn and inspire them to stay engaged. 阳光也有帮助 提高学生的整体心理健康. One note of caution: when positioning your student’s computer monitor, 一定要检查屏幕上是否有阳光刺眼.
凌乱的桌子和凌乱的学习空间 会导致压力和焦虑吗(在新选项卡中打开). It’s hard for students to stay inspired when they are surrounded by clutter! Include organizational tools like file cabinets and paper trays in your student’s learning space to keep everything well organized. 看看 这些组织技巧 from other online school parents to help you and your student stay organized.
Inspire online school students by getting them involved in 制定他们每天的学校时间表. Discuss class choices together and let them choose their electives. 考虑他们对停机时间的要求. 让他们选择 活动和课外社团 他们愿意加入. Students who take an active role in decisions and feel like their voices are being heard are more likely to be inspired and stay motivated.
Hands-on learning taps into something teachers have always known—children learn best when they are actively engaged with the learning activity. Inspire your online school student, keep them engaged, and 激发他们的好奇心 通过结合以下活动 科学实验艺术项目等等 户外体育游戏. You can also connect with other online school or homeschool parents to 创建一个学习舱, where students gather to study their lessons together.
Learning to set goals helps students gain independence and gives them a positive mindset. 他们也激励学生 努力工作,坚持不懈 实现他们的目标. Help your student set realistic and achievable short- and long-term goals. Keep these goals displayed in their learning space to encourage them and keep them motivated. You can also incorporate small rewards when students work hard and achieve their goals.
推荐正规买球平台, 一所公立K-12在线学校, offers flexible daily schedules and the ability for students to complete lessons at their own pace, 什么能激励学生自我激励, 独立的学习者. 随着学生在网上学习的进步, they develop important self-reliance skills that will help them succeed in school and wherever their journey takes them next. It’s never too late to make the switch to a new school experience. 加入一个 连接学院简介会 today to learn more about the benefits of online school.
by 特雷Edgington
by 推荐正规买球平台
by 推荐正规买球平台