学习如何设定界限和对请求说“不”可能是很难的一课, particularly if your student is a people pleaser. Sometimes, saying “no” can result in the person feeling guilty or anxious. 所以,帮助你的学生驾驭这些感觉,最终会教会他们如何设定界限.
Sometimes students need to learn how to say “no” to their own desires, too. 例如, they may want to do soccer and choir and an internship, 但, 实际, 他们只能做一个. 你可以帮助你的学生确定他们最想做什么,他们有时间做什么. 然后,你可以帮助他们克服害怕错过他们说“不”的活动的恐惧.
If your student expresses anxiety about saying “no” to something, discuss with them why they feel anxious or upset at saying “no.”
即使你的孩子明白不可能做他们想做的每件事, 他们仍然可能会经历难以接受的感觉,他们可能无法参加他们的朋友在上的课,或者不能加入另一个在城市另一边聚会的俱乐部. Caregivers should listen to their children and give them an open and judgement-free space 表达他们的感受. Whether it seems like your student’s reasons are based in logic or emotion, take each one seriously and into consideration. By openly discussing feelings and goals, 护理人员和他们的学生可以努力达成妥协,更好地了解彼此和生活.